By Yael Armony
I set a date with Evil
Discreet it is indeed.
The meeting place – the world’s end
I must be precise to succeed.
A minute before sunset
It’s a special time zone
You cannot be accompanied
You must come alone.
Evil didn’t immediately agree
He doesn’t meet just anyone,
So it appears …
He has his terms and conditions
He first checks, until it’s clear.
And that’s what Evil told me:
“Pay attention now:
Many have reached my doorstep
And turned away in pain
Many have stood on my doorstep
But- to face the despair, the ugliness, the screaming of the heart
They couldn’t stand!
Yet, you still want to come?
You’re not giving up?
If so – listen carefully
I’ll meet another – should you not:
Leave at home your manners and adornments
Leave at home your misery tears
There is no place for pity
They won’t be helpful here.
The only thing that’s needed is your courage
You must be willing to arrive nearby
And be warned – the sight is horrible,
You won’t be able to forget it, it will make you cry
As you’ll look in the mirror
There’ll be no turning back, even if you try.
And if you come to my home
You must dress-up
Not with luxury nor worn clothing,
But sacred clothing only
For the reunion with me is holy.
Only once you cross my threshold
Would you be able to hold on to the Good
This is the secret of my power
Understanding this you should.
The Good cannot exist without recognizing the Bad
I’m his emissary and he is my helper, and here’s the choice you have:
Only the one who will bear to meet me from inside
Will have the strength to choose the light of Good,
When the special day arrives.”
Tomorrow, at sunset,
With reverence I’ll come
I’ll face the Evil in my soul
To the Good
With all my might I’ll call!