
תמונת נושא

Avivit Rosinger, Born in 1972, mother of three children educated in the Waldorf schooling system, through whom I was exposed to anthroposophy as a philosophy that integrates all that in my life, until then, did not suit; science and the spiritual.

I hold a degree in art, film and philosophy from the Tel-Aviv University, my masters I never did complete… but the University of life had provided an apt response. In the past 11 years, I have been trained in and have instructed sit (systematic-inventive thinking) workshops in business organizations in the country and worldwide.

I am a graduate of the ‘Hotam’ school of Biographical Counselling.

To me, Biographical Counselling is a journey of development through encounters with people; guides, pupils, colleagues, consultees… that have brought, and still do, opportunities for me to know myself (“I”).

I am grateful for the privilege to be a part of peoples journeys. With the help of my dear teacher I am re-discovering my natural curiosity to enquire and uncover, to make connections and bring up ideas in the expression of the connection between Anthroposophy and biography.
