
Born in 1971, lives in a farm, a mother of 4 girls. At the age of 38, I first came across Biographical Counseling through my interest in the relations between life stories and their meaning.
I then moved on to study the field and received a diploma in Biographical Counseling from the Hotam School.
I have a BSc degree in communications & management and was active in the field till the age of 28. Since then I have studied holistic body-psychotherapy. In addition, I have worked as a doula (accompanying and assisting women through pregnancy and labour) until recently.
I regard my path in biographical counseling from being a student , to counselee and then on to counselor, as a way of life for personal development and self-knowledge. It requires sincere and brave internal observation at whatever awaits to be discovered in the life story that unfolds before me. It is a path for understanding the meaning of my life’s events and the secrets of my destiny.