
My name is Yafa Lederman, Born 1958, mother of two. Biographical Counsellor, B.A. in Hebrew literature and Talmud – Bar Ilan University. M.A. in world literature – Bar Ilan University.
I acquired my training in the field of Biographical Counseling at ‘Hotam’ school and today I work as a Biographical Counselling and a teacher, and have the privilige of training another generation in this field.
To anthroposophy in general and Biographical Counselling specifically, I had arrived about 10 years ago, while searching for meaning, relief and response to distress and pain; something beyond the tools that were familiar to me until then. Through a long and fascinating process of Biographical Counselling, I was exposed to a world of knowledge and a language and implementations that shed new light on the big and essential questions, and granted meaning to many queries.
Since then, I continue to learn and practice and with this in mind, I meet the students and the clients, each one a whole world in itself.