Work Methods in Biographical Counseling Based on R. Steiner’s Book “The Philosophy of Freedom”
The central question underlying Rudolf Steiner’s book The Philosophy of Freedom is the question of human freedom:
“Is the human being in his thinking and acting a spiritually free being, or is he compelled by the iron necessity of purely natural law?”
Steiner, ‘The Philosophy of Freedom’, Cp. 1
In this book, as in his other books, R. Steiner uses a certain methodology: first, he presents us with the approach of other philosophers to the matter at hand, and then he ‘argues’ with them by presenting his world view. The conclusion he reaches is that: the human being is a free being; even though certain situations in his life are done deals and are not changeable – one has the choice to interpret them according to the laws of spirit.
The more a person advances toward acquiring a higher spiritual way of thinking, so will his interpretation of his life’s events be closer to the hidden truth, that is at the base of manifested life.
We will attempt to follow Steiner’s footsteps and try to investigate our personal biography and our degrees of freedom as human beings.
This book contains knowledge about the evolution of earth. The starting point of Anthroposophy is that there is a tight connection between the cosmos and the human being, and that human biography reflects enormous cosmic-spiritual processes, that transpired in the past among spiritual entities that are much higher than us.
For the most part, this book suits also people without any Anthroposophical-biographical background, except for the sections that deal with the cosmic evolution of earth, especially esoteric-science, as was presented by R. Steiner in his book: “An Outline of Esoteric Science“.
This book is based on research of Steiner’s writings, conducted by Tzvi Birger, my spiritual teacher, as it was summarized and presented in a workshop.
I wish you a fruitful and profound reading, study and exercise.